Monday, November 8, 2010

Well, that didn't take long.

This afternoon, with all the gusto & positivity I could muster, made "Deceptively Delicious" brownies (that contain spinach & carrot purees) & peanut butter/banana muffins (which contain pureed cauliflower).  I served the brownies for an after-school snack today. I nibbled mine in private, so the kids couldn't get their cues from me, & thought, "Crap. They're gross." Ian smelled his & wouldn't take a bite.  Hannah ate half of hers, declared it tasty, begged for Ian's, then decided she didn't like 'em either.  The muffins look promising (I had a crumb, & they were OKAY, but the cauliflower was still discernible... I thought the idea was to HIDE the vegetable, Jessica! BOO!

I did the "Deceptively Delicious" chicken nuggets (with broccoli puree) & mozzarella (with cauliflower puree) sticks (along with another side dish that wasn't DD) for dinner tonight... the chicken nuggets were OKAY, but the prep was a lot messier & time-consuming than I allotted for, so I wound up putting them in the oven.  They were a hit with Hannah, JC, & me, but Ian wouldn't eat them.  The cheesesticks would've been better had they not gotten soggy while waiting for the chicken to finish cooking, & cool cheesesticks that contain cauliflower taste like cold cheese wrapped in cauliflower.  Again, boo.

Either the Seinfeld children aren't as bright as my children, or they have more forgiving taste buds... either way, my kids were having no part of it.  I'm wholly disappointed, but glad I didn't pay full-price for the cookbook (thanks, Amazon!)...

I decided I will try a few more recipes out of it, if for no other reason than to use up some of the purees I have, but then I will not be going there.  I will continue just being smart about how I'm cooking... and maybe my children will eat veggies when they come back in their next life... as cattle.

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