Monday, November 8, 2010

My family has a problem... we eat out too much, choose the wrong things to eat, & suffer the consequences! I'm quite overweight (though it's not just habits that cause this... I do have a genetic predisposition for obesity, but I'm not helping myself overcome that predisposition!!), Hannah's following in my footsteps, and while the boys are lucky to have quicker metabolisms, they don't eat very well either.  So, I'm on a mission.  I'm on a mission to get us healthier, to improve our eating habits, & get us back on track as a whole!

I have an issue with staying motivated in the kitchen... it's so easy to get bogged down with the same old things, lose sight of the ultimate goal, and throw your hands up, shouting "McDonald's, anyone?"  I am determined to get rid of that possibility!

Perhaps the biggest hurdle thus far has been trying to get the kids to eat vegetables.  Hannah likes potatoes (but, really, do they count, since they're so high in carbs??) & green beans... she can be bribed into eating salad if it has enough tomatoes in it... but that's about it.  And Ian?  Forget about it!  "You mean mac-n-cheese isn't a vegetable, Mommy??"

Years ago, I purchased Jessica Seinfeld's "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook, wherein she offers tips & tricks to get your kids to eat their veggies by sneaking them via purees into delicious recipes.  I'd never tried any of the recipes, but am starting now!  I spent a few hours this last weekend steaming & roasting fresh veggies, then pureeing them for the freezer... Hannah got in on part of it, which I dreaded... I don't need her turning her nose up at stuff, saying, "So what did you sneak into THIS!?!" I decided to come clean with her a bit, telling her I was going to start trying to sneak Ian some veggies... she giggled, declared me "sneaky!" then asked if she could help!  I put her to work, & though the help didn't last long, by making her a confidante & co-conspirator, I thought maybe I could get around it with her.

So, I'm armed for the next two weeks... groceries are purchased, meal plans are set in dry erase board (ha!), & the kids are pumped about the menu.  I currently have brownies (with pureed spinach & carrot) in the oven.  I can't wait to make this step!

Stay tuned for pictures & verdicts for each of our meals.  These guys & their subsequent levels of health are totally worth all the hard work!

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